Action Required: Members, associations and comms leads are urged to take note of the press release and updated information for the Seafarers International Relief Fund that is launching on Wednesday 5th May. The Fund is part of a collaborative effort between ICS and leading maritime charities to help Indian Seafarers and their families that are impacted by the current COVID-19 crisis.
ICS members, associations and comms leads are invited to take note of the press release and associated collateral, including updated bank details for donations, ahead of the official launch on Wednesday 5th May.
All are encouraged to disseminate the information among your members and national press contacts to spread awareness of the fund and to ask that the maritime industry gives generously to the new Seafarers International Relief Fund.
The fund was set up after ICS was approached by ship owners and managers to see what could be done to help Indian seafarers and their families affected by the COVID-19 crisis, knowing that there is a great deal of interest and desire to support them among the maritime community.
We would ask that you share these updated details of the Fund with your members, so they are aware and able to contribute. The Fund is looking for significant contributions by the maritime industry to help in this time of need.
More information on the Fund and how to contribute can be found in the flyer in Annex A. Details of how to make donations by bank transfer can be found in this flyer. Bank transfers are a preferred option.

Donations can also be made via this page:

Comms leads are encouraged to take note of the attached SIRF Q&A to aid in conversations with media contacts and social media collateral document. We encourage you to follow ICS on twitter and the @SIRFund twitter account for more updates and to show support and amplify the campaign via your own social media channels.
ICS has coordinated with leading maritime charities including the Seafarers’ Charity, The Mission to Seafarers, ISWAN, Sailors’ Society and Stella Maris to set up the Relief Fund which will serve as a central fund to respond to the increasing and desperate needs of seafarers resulting from the pandemic. Its initial focus will be to assist Indian seafarers and their families, but the Fund will also help seafarers across the world.
Annex A: SIRF press release
Annex B: SIRF Q&A
Annex C: SIRF flyer
Annex D: SIRF social media collateral
For any queries, please contact

ICS(21)25 – Annex A – SIRF Launch Press Release – FINAL 5.5.21
ICS(21)25 – Annex B – Seafarers International Relief Fund_QA_media.v4
ICS(21)25 – Annex C – SIRF Flyer
ICS(21)25 – Annex D – SIRF Social Tool Kit
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