A ‘Seafarer Wellness’ conference will be held in the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI) on 7th October next to address human factors and seafarer wellness in the maritime industry. 

Over 1.5 million seafarers play a vital part in the supply chain which keeps national and international economies operational. Food, fuel, and everyday goods are transported in thousands of ships worldwide around the clock.  There is little room for error which could result in loss of life, injury, pollution and delays. The maritime industry is safety critical and depends on professional people to minimize incidents, including human error.  Leading experts in the area, including medical professionals, psychologists, researchers and professional seafarers will give presentations, generate discussion, debate and suggest solutions to address the human factors that influence life on board ships.  Topics such as resilience, diet, nutrition, fitness, stress, fatigue and psychosocial aspects will be presented.  Maritime stakeholders, medical professionals and anyone interested in human factors will find the conference informative.

The ‘Seafarer Wellness’ conference, organized by the Department of Maritime Studies NMCI/MTU, the Nautical Institute (Ireland Branch)  and the Irish Institute of Master Mariners will be the first of its kind to be held in Ireland and will set a baseline for the future.  

Tickets (nominal fee) may be reserved at Eventbite:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/seafarer-wellness-2022-are-the-signals-being-read-tickets-411891958937

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